Kring Progress Unilever schaft ESG STOXX index licenties aan

10 januari 2017

Progress, kring van Stichting Algemeen Pensioenfonds Unilever Nederland, schaft twee ESG STOXX indices aan. Zo blijkt uit het bericht op de website van STOXX, de indices tak van Deutsche Boerse Group. Het gaat hierbij om twee van de onlangs gelanceerde Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) indices, te weten de Europese en Noord-Amerikaanse. Deze indices zijn geconstrueerd op basis van een transparant selectiemodel dat ontwikkeld is door Sustainalytics, een vooraanstaand bedrijf op het gebied van onderzoek en analyse op het gebied van ESG. Uit het bericht volgt dat de indices gebruikt gaan worden als benchmarks.

“We are delighted to work with ‘Progress’, a pension fund which believes in the importance of integrating ESG factors in the investment decision-making process. The licensing of the STOXX Industry Neutral ESG Indices as benchmarks confirms that sustainable investing is gaining momentum as an integral part of portfolio construction,” aldus Matteo Andreetto, CEO van STOXX Limited. “These indices are innovative and unique solutions that measure performance with regard to ESG criteria, and specifically exclude UN Global Compact violations and controversial weapons. Based on a best-in-class selection method, they offer targeted access to the ESG theme and an industry neutral weighting.”

Michael Kaal, chief risk officer van ‘Progress’: “We are conscious of our social responsibility as an institutional investor and seek to act accordingly. This means that Progress in its investment policy reflects the norms and values of society, and thus takes into account in its investment decisions relevant environmental, social and corporate governance considerations, according to international standards. In delivering its social responsibility, the fund takes account of the interests of its members, pensioners and employers and seeks to be accountable to them for the decisions it makes and the actions taken.”


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